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Burning Tokens

Burning tokens on Ergo is similar to minting. Minting occurs whenever a new token is added to a transaction's output. Burning occurs when a transaction has fewer outputs than inputs for one or more tokens. Most transactions have outputs and inputs that are equal.

To protect against accidently burning tokens, Fleet checks to make sure inputs and outputs are equal. To burn tokens, the TransactionBuilder.BurnToken() method is used to declare the Token ID and amount to burn.

The BurnToken method accepts a single object or an array of objects describing which and how many tokens to burn.

new TransactionBuilder(creationHeight)
    tokenId: sigUSDTokenId, 
    amount: "10" // the amount of tokens you want to burn 

If a manual approach is needed, burning can be explicitly allowed through a configuration option: TransactionBuilder.configure(x => x.allowTokenBurning(true)).

Released under the MIT License.